Thursday, February 21, 2008


OK FOLKS...back to JCP&L....if you go back to my earlier posts you can read the text of my complaint to the BPU (Board of Public Utilities). Of course the JCP&L Representative was unable to 'touch base' with me. But she did leave this lovely voicemail:

WAIT just a minute....OBSERVE (my most recent bill): Now, as you can see....last January I used 18 killowatts per hour....and this year I used....28??? That's an increase of 55%!!! WHA???? How is that 'in line' with my usage of last year? Are you trying to tell me Guitar Hero uses 55% of my total usual monthly electrical usage??? If that DOES turn out to be the case yeah well, sorry kids, you gotta get jobs....but I seriously doubt it. Stay tuned for my next reading next week....

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