JCP&L: Called my 'Customer Service Advocate' Lisa and asked her to come out and read the meter. A couple of days later, got a voicemail from her stating that she felt the reading was relatively accurate. Based on??? Left her another message asking her to call me again. No further calls. I paid the bill, since I had the money and the next bill I received WAS based on an actual reading. The amount? $18.21. Wait, what was that last estimated bill again? $210.75. That's what I thought.

Chase: Sent them an email informing them of the pending Consumer Rights legislation. They refunded a couple of the overdraft fees. Gee, thanks.
T-Mobile. Still haven't been able to get ahold of them. They suck.
Stay tuned for latest screwing over by CIGNA regarding my wheelchair claim-a NEW wheelchair claim. This is epic and so inane as the amount involved is minuscule, in comparison to say...the $5000.00 bone stimulator I was recently required to purchase. Man, those dudes apparently have something against wheelchairs.